
AWSS3.jl is a Julia package for interacting with key-value data storage services AWS S3 and It operates through HTTP calls to a REST API service. It is based on the package AWS.jl which provides a direct wrapper to low-level API calls but provides a great deal of additional convenient functionality.

Quick Start

using AWSS3
using AWS # for `global_aws_config`

aws = global_aws_config(; region="us-east-2") # pass keyword arguments to change defaults

s3_create_bucket(aws, "my.bucket")
s3_enable_versioning(aws, "my.bucket")

s3_put(aws, "my.bucket", "key", "Hello!")
println(s3_get(aws, "my.bucket", "key"))  # prints "Hello!"
println(s3_get(aws, "my.bucket", "key", byte_range=1:2))  # prints only "He"


This package provides the S3Path object which implements the FilePathsBase interface, thus providing a filesystem-like abstraction for interacting with S3. In particular, this allows for interacting with S3 using the filesystem interface provided by Julia's Base. This makes it possible to (mostly) write code which works the same way for S3 as it does for the local filesystem.

julia> using AWSS3, AWS, FilePathsBase;

# global_aws_config() is also the default if no `config` argument is passed
julia> p = S3Path("s3://bucket-name/dir1/", config=global_aws_config());

julia> readdir(p)
1-element Vector{SubString{String}}:

julia> file = joinpath(p, "demo.txt")

julia> stat(file)
  device = 0,
  inode = 0,
  mode = -rw-rw-rw-,
  nlink = 0,
  uid = 1000 (username),
  gid = 1000 (username),
  rdev = 0,
  size = 34 (34.0),
  blksize = 4096 (4.0K),
  blocks = 1,
  mtime = 2021-01-30T18:53:02,
  ctime = 2021-01-30T18:53:02,

julia> String(read(file))  # fetch the file into memory
"this is a file for testing S3Path\n"

julia> String(read(file, byte_range=1:4))  # fetch a specific byte range of the file

julia> rm(file)  # delete the file

S3 is a pure key-value store, NOT a filesystem. Therefore, though S3 has, over time, gained features which oftne mimic a filesystem interface, in some cases it can behave very differently. In particular "empty directories" are, in actuality, 0-byte files and can have some unexpected behavior, e.g. there is no stat(dir) like in a true filesystem. is fully compatible with the S3 API and therefore this package can be used to interact with it. To use requires a dedicated AWS configuration object, see the Minio.jl package. This package also contains some convenience functions for easily setting up a server for experimentation and testing with the interface.