Lex Runtime V2

This page documents function available when using the Lex_Runtime_V2 module, created with @service Lex_Runtime_V2.



delete_session(bot_alias_id, bot_id, locale_id, session_id)
delete_session(bot_alias_id, bot_id, locale_id, session_id, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Removes session information for a specified bot, alias, and user ID. You can use this operation to restart a conversation with a bot. When you remove a session, the entire history of the session is removed so that you can start again. You don't need to delete a session. Sessions have a time limit and will expire. Set the session time limit when you create the bot. The default is 5 minutes, but you can specify anything between 1 minute and 24 hours. If you specify a bot or alias ID that doesn't exist, you receive a BadRequestException. If the locale doesn't exist in the bot, or if the locale hasn't been enables for the alias, you receive a BadRequestException.


  • bot_alias_id: The alias identifier in use for the bot that contains the session data.
  • bot_id: The identifier of the bot that contains the session data.
  • locale_id: The locale where the session is in use.
  • session_id: The identifier of the session to delete.
get_session(bot_alias_id, bot_id, locale_id, session_id)
get_session(bot_alias_id, bot_id, locale_id, session_id, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Returns session information for a specified bot, alias, and user. For example, you can use this operation to retrieve session information for a user that has left a long-running session in use. If the bot, alias, or session identifier doesn't exist, Amazon Lex V2 returns a BadRequestException. If the locale doesn't exist or is not enabled for the alias, you receive a BadRequestException.


  • bot_alias_id: The alias identifier in use for the bot that contains the session data.
  • bot_id: The identifier of the bot that contains the session data.
  • locale_id: The locale where the session is in use.
  • session_id: The identifier of the session to return.
put_session(bot_alias_id, bot_id, locale_id, session_id, session_state)
put_session(bot_alias_id, bot_id, locale_id, session_id, session_state, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Creates a new session or modifies an existing session with an Amazon Lex V2 bot. Use this operation to enable your application to set the state of the bot.


  • bot_alias_id: The alias identifier of the bot that receives the session data.
  • bot_id: The identifier of the bot that receives the session data.
  • locale_id: The locale where the session is in use.
  • session_id: The identifier of the session that receives the session data.
  • session_state: Sets the state of the session with the user. You can use this to set the current intent, attributes, context, and dialog action. Use the dialog action to determine the next step that Amazon Lex V2 should use in the conversation with the user.

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters can be passed as a params::Dict{String,<:Any}. Valid keys are:

  • "ResponseContentType": The message that Amazon Lex V2 returns in the response can be either text or speech depending on the value of this parameter. If the value is text/plain; charset=utf-8, Amazon Lex V2 returns text in the response.
  • "messages": A list of messages to send to the user. Messages are sent in the order that they are defined in the list.
  • "requestAttributes": Request-specific information passed between Amazon Lex V2 and the client application. The namespace x-amz-lex: is reserved for special attributes. Don't create any request attributes with the prefix x-amz-lex:.
recognize_text(bot_alias_id, bot_id, locale_id, session_id, text)
recognize_text(bot_alias_id, bot_id, locale_id, session_id, text, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Sends user input to Amazon Lex V2. Client applications use this API to send requests to Amazon Lex V2 at runtime. Amazon Lex V2 then interprets the user input using the machine learning model that it build for the bot. In response, Amazon Lex V2 returns the next message to convey to the user and an optional response card to display. If the optional post-fulfillment response is specified, the messages are returned as follows. For more information, see PostFulfillmentStatusSpecification. Success message - Returned if the Lambda function completes successfully and the intent state is fulfilled or ready fulfillment if the message is present. Failed message - The failed message is returned if the Lambda function throws an exception or if the Lambda function returns a failed intent state without a message. Timeout message - If you don't configure a timeout message and a timeout, and the Lambda function doesn't return within 30 seconds, the timeout message is returned. If you configure a timeout, the timeout message is returned when the period times out. For more information, see Completion message.


  • bot_alias_id: The alias identifier in use for the bot that processes the request.
  • bot_id: The identifier of the bot that processes the request.
  • locale_id: The locale where the session is in use.
  • session_id: The identifier of the user session that is having the conversation.
  • text: The text that the user entered. Amazon Lex V2 interprets this text.

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters can be passed as a params::Dict{String,<:Any}. Valid keys are:

  • "requestAttributes": Request-specific information passed between the client application and Amazon Lex V2 The namespace x-amz-lex: is reserved for special attributes. Don't create any request attributes with the prefix x-amz-lex:.
  • "sessionState": The current state of the dialog between the user and the bot.
recognize_utterance(content-_type, bot_alias_id, bot_id, locale_id, session_id)
recognize_utterance(content-_type, bot_alias_id, bot_id, locale_id, session_id, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Sends user input to Amazon Lex V2. You can send text or speech. Clients use this API to send text and audio requests to Amazon Lex V2 at runtime. Amazon Lex V2 interprets the user input using the machine learning model built for the bot. The following request fields must be compressed with gzip and then base64 encoded before you send them to Amazon Lex V2. requestAttributes sessionState The following response fields are compressed using gzip and then base64 encoded by Amazon Lex V2. Before you can use these fields, you must decode and decompress them. inputTranscript interpretations messages requestAttributes sessionState The example contains a Java application that compresses and encodes a Java object to send to Amazon Lex V2, and a second that decodes and decompresses a response from Amazon Lex V2. If the optional post-fulfillment response is specified, the messages are returned as follows. For more information, see PostFulfillmentStatusSpecification. Success message - Returned if the Lambda function completes successfully and the intent state is fulfilled or ready fulfillment if the message is present. Failed message - The failed message is returned if the Lambda function throws an exception or if the Lambda function returns a failed intent state without a message. Timeout message - If you don't configure a timeout message and a timeout, and the Lambda function doesn't return within 30 seconds, the timeout message is returned. If you configure a timeout, the timeout message is returned when the period times out. For more information, see Completion message.


  • content-_type: Indicates the format for audio input or that the content is text. The header must start with one of the following prefixes: PCM format, audio data must be in little-endian byte order. audio/l16; rate=16000; channels=1 audio/x-l16; sample-rate=16000; channel-count=1 audio/lpcm; sample-rate=8000; sample-size-bits=16; channel-count=1; is-big-endian=false Opus format audio/x-cbr-opus-with-preamble;preamble-size=0;bit-rate=256000;frame-size-milliseconds=4 Text format text/plain; charset=utf-8
  • bot_alias_id: The alias identifier in use for the bot that should receive the request.
  • bot_id: The identifier of the bot that should receive the request.
  • locale_id: The locale where the session is in use.
  • session_id: The identifier of the session in use.

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters can be passed as a params::Dict{String,<:Any}. Valid keys are:

  • "Response-Content-Type": The message that Amazon Lex V2 returns in the response can be either text or speech based on the responseContentType value. If the value is text/plain;charset=utf-8, Amazon Lex V2 returns text in the response. If the value begins with audio/, Amazon Lex V2 returns speech in the response. Amazon Lex V2 uses Amazon Polly to generate the speech using the configuration that you specified in the responseContentType parameter. For example, if you specify audio/mpeg as the value, Amazon Lex V2 returns speech in the MPEG format. If the value is audio/pcm, the speech returned is audio/pcm at 16 KHz in 16-bit, little-endian format. The following are the accepted values: audio/mpeg audio/ogg audio/pcm (16 KHz) audio/* (defaults to mpeg) text/plain; charset=utf-8
  • "inputStream": User input in PCM or Opus audio format or text format as described in the requestContentType parameter.
  • "x-amz-lex-request-attributes": Request-specific information passed between the client application and Amazon Lex V2 The namespace x-amz-lex: is reserved for special attributes. Don't create any request attributes for prefix x-amz-lex:. The requestAttributes field must be compressed using gzip and then base64 encoded before sending to Amazon Lex V2.
  • "x-amz-lex-session-state": Sets the state of the session with the user. You can use this to set the current intent, attributes, context, and dialog action. Use the dialog action to determine the next step that Amazon Lex V2 should use in the conversation with the user. The sessionState field must be compressed using gzip and then base64 encoded before sending to Amazon Lex V2.