Personalize Events

This page documents function available when using the Personalize_Events module, created with @service Personalize_Events.



put_events(event_list, session_id, tracking_id)
put_events(event_list, session_id, tracking_id, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Records user interaction event data. For more information see Recording Events.


  • event_list: A list of event data from the session.
  • session_id: The session ID associated with the user's visit. Your application generates the sessionId when a user first visits your website or uses your application. Amazon Personalize uses the sessionId to associate events with the user before they log in. For more information, see Recording Events.
  • tracking_id: The tracking ID for the event. The ID is generated by a call to the CreateEventTracker API.

Optional Parameters

Optional parameters can be passed as a params::Dict{String,<:Any}. Valid keys are:

  • "userId": The user associated with the event.
put_items(dataset_arn, items)
put_items(dataset_arn, items, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Adds one or more items to an Items dataset. For more information see Importing Items Incrementally.


  • dataset_arn: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Items dataset you are adding the item or items to.
  • items: A list of item data.
put_users(dataset_arn, users)
put_users(dataset_arn, users, params::Dict{String,<:Any})

Adds one or more users to a Users dataset. For more information see Importing Users Incrementally.


  • dataset_arn: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Users dataset you are adding the user or users to.
  • users: A list of user data.