

Amazon CloudFront

This is the Amazon CloudFront API Reference. This guide is for developers who need detailed information about CloudFront API actions, data types, and errors. For detailed information about CloudFront features, see the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.

This document is generated from apis/cloudfront-2017-03-25.normal.json. See JuliaCloud/AWSCore.jl.

using AWSSDK.CloudFront.create_cloud_front_origin_access_identity
create_cloud_front_origin_access_identity([::AWSConfig], arguments::Dict)
create_cloud_front_origin_access_identity([::AWSConfig]; CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig=)

using AWSCore.Services.cloudfront
cloudfront([::AWSConfig], "POST", "/2017-03-25/origin-access-identity/cloudfront", arguments::Dict)
cloudfront([::AWSConfig], "POST", "/2017-03-25/origin-access-identity/cloudfront", CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig=)

CreateCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity Operation

Creates a new origin access identity. If you're using Amazon S3 for your origin, you can use an origin access identity to require users to access your content using a CloudFront URL instead of the Amazon S3 URL. For more information about how to use origin access identities, see Serving Private Content through CloudFront in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.


CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig = [ ... ]Required

The current configuration information for the identity.

 CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig = [
        "CallerReference" => <required> ::String,
        "Comment" => <required> ::String




CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityAlreadyExists, MissingBody, TooManyCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentities, InvalidArgument or InconsistentQuantities.

See also: AWS API Documentation

using AWSSDK.CloudFront.create_distribution
create_distribution([::AWSConfig], arguments::Dict)
create_distribution([::AWSConfig]; DistributionConfig=)

using AWSCore.Services.cloudfront
cloudfront([::AWSConfig], "POST", "/2017-03-25/distribution", arguments::Dict)
cloudfront([::AWSConfig], "POST", "/2017-03-25/distribution", DistributionConfig=)

CreateDistribution Operation

Creates a new web distribution. Send a POST request to the /*CloudFront API version*/distribution/distribution ID resource.


DistributionConfig = [ ... ]Required

The distribution's configuration information.

 DistributionConfig = [
        "CallerReference" => <required> ::String,
        "Aliases" =>  [
            "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
            "Items" =>  [::String, ...]
        "DefaultRootObject" =>  ::String,
        "Origins" => <required> [
            "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
            "Items" =>  [[
                "Id" => <required> ::String,
                "DomainName" => <required> ::String,
                "OriginPath" =>  ::String,
                "CustomHeaders" =>  [
                    "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                    "Items" =>  [[
                        "HeaderName" => <required> ::String,
                        "HeaderValue" => <required> ::String
                    ], ...]
                "S3OriginConfig" =>  ["OriginAccessIdentity" => <required> ::String],
                "CustomOriginConfig" =>  [
                    "HTTPPort" => <required> ::Int,
                    "HTTPSPort" => <required> ::Int,
                    "OriginProtocolPolicy" => <required> "http-only", "match-viewer" or "https-only",
                    "OriginSslProtocols" =>  [
                        "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                        "Items" => <required> ["SSLv3", "TLSv1", "TLSv1.1" or "TLSv1.2", ...]
                    "OriginReadTimeout" =>  ::Int,
                    "OriginKeepaliveTimeout" =>  ::Int
            ], ...]
        "DefaultCacheBehavior" => <required> [
            "TargetOriginId" => <required> ::String,
            "ForwardedValues" => <required> [
                "QueryString" => <required> ::Bool,
                "Cookies" => <required> [
                    "Forward" => <required> "none", "whitelist" or "all",
                    "WhitelistedNames" =>  [
                        "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                        "Items" =>  [::String, ...]
                "Headers" =>  [
                    "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                    "Items" =>  [::String, ...]
                "QueryStringCacheKeys" =>  [
                    "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                    "Items" =>  [::String, ...]
            "TrustedSigners" => <required> [
                "Enabled" => <required> ::Bool,
                "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                "Items" =>  [::String, ...]
            "ViewerProtocolPolicy" => <required> "allow-all", "https-only" or "redirect-to-https",
            "MinTTL" => <required> ::Int,
            "AllowedMethods" =>  [
                "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                "Items" => <required> ["GET", "HEAD", "POST", "PUT", "PATCH", "OPTIONS" or "DELETE", ...],
                "CachedMethods" =>  [
                    "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                    "Items" => <required> ["GET", "HEAD", "POST", "PUT", "PATCH", "OPTIONS" or "DELETE", ...]
            "SmoothStreaming" =>  ::Bool,
            "DefaultTTL" =>  ::Int,
            "MaxTTL" =>  ::Int,
            "Compress" =>  ::Bool,
            "LambdaFunctionAssociations" =>  [
                "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                "Items" =>  [[
                    "LambdaFunctionARN" =>  ::String,
                    "EventType" =>  "viewer-request", "viewer-response", "origin-request" or "origin-response"
                ], ...]
        "CacheBehaviors" =>  [
            "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
            "Items" =>  [[
                "PathPattern" => <required> ::String,
                "TargetOriginId" => <required> ::String,
                "ForwardedValues" => <required> [
                    "QueryString" => <required> ::Bool,
                    "Cookies" => <required> [
                        "Forward" => <required> "none", "whitelist" or "all",
                        "WhitelistedNames" =>  [
                            "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                            "Items" =>  [::String, ...]
                    "Headers" =>  [
                        "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                        "Items" =>  [::String, ...]
                    "QueryStringCacheKeys" =>  [
                        "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                        "Items" =>  [::String, ...]
                "TrustedSigners" => <required> [
                    "Enabled" => <required> ::Bool,
                    "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                    "Items" =>  [::String, ...]
                "ViewerProtocolPolicy" => <required> "allow-all", "https-only" or "redirect-to-https",
                "MinTTL" => <required> ::Int,
                "AllowedMethods" =>  [
                    "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                    "Items" => <required> ["GET", "HEAD", "POST", "PUT", "PATCH", "OPTIONS" or "DELETE", ...],
                    "CachedMethods" =>  [
                        "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                        "Items" => <required> ["GET", "HEAD", "POST", "PUT", "PATCH", "OPTIONS" or "DELETE", ...]
                "SmoothStreaming" =>  ::Bool,
                "DefaultTTL" =>  ::Int,
                "MaxTTL" =>  ::Int,
                "Compress" =>  ::Bool,
                "LambdaFunctionAssociations" =>  [
                    "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                    "Items" =>  [[
                        "LambdaFunctionARN" =>  ::String,
                        "EventType" =>  "viewer-request", "viewer-response", "origin-request" or "origin-response"
                    ], ...]
            ], ...]
        "CustomErrorResponses" =>  [
            "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
            "Items" =>  [[
                "ErrorCode" => <required> ::Int,
                "ResponsePagePath" =>  ::String,
                "ResponseCode" =>  ::String,
                "ErrorCachingMinTTL" =>  ::Int
            ], ...]
        "Comment" => <required> ::String,
        "Logging" =>  [
            "Enabled" => <required> ::Bool,
            "IncludeCookies" => <required> ::Bool,
            "Bucket" => <required> ::String,
            "Prefix" => <required> ::String
        "PriceClass" =>  "PriceClass_100", "PriceClass_200" or "PriceClass_All",
        "Enabled" => <required> ::Bool,
        "ViewerCertificate" =>  [
            "CloudFrontDefaultCertificate" =>  ::Bool,
            "IAMCertificateId" =>  ::String,
            "ACMCertificateArn" =>  ::String,
            "SSLSupportMethod" =>  "sni-only" or "vip",
            "MinimumProtocolVersion" =>  "SSLv3", "TLSv1", "TLSv1_2016", "TLSv1.1_2016" or "TLSv1.2_2018",
            "Certificate" =>  ::String,
            "CertificateSource" =>  "cloudfront", "iam" or "acm"
        "Restrictions" =>  ["GeoRestriction" => <required> [
                "RestrictionType" => <required> "blacklist", "whitelist" or "none",
                "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                "Items" =>  [::String, ...]
        "WebACLId" =>  ::String,
        "HttpVersion" =>  "http1.1" or "http2",
        "IsIPV6Enabled" =>  ::Bool




CNAMEAlreadyExists, DistributionAlreadyExists, InvalidOrigin, InvalidOriginAccessIdentity, AccessDenied, TooManyTrustedSigners, TrustedSignerDoesNotExist, InvalidViewerCertificate, InvalidMinimumProtocolVersion, MissingBody, TooManyDistributionCNAMEs, TooManyDistributions, InvalidDefaultRootObject, InvalidRelativePath, InvalidErrorCode, InvalidResponseCode, InvalidArgument, InvalidRequiredProtocol, NoSuchOrigin, TooManyOrigins, TooManyCacheBehaviors, TooManyCookieNamesInWhiteList, InvalidForwardCookies, TooManyHeadersInForwardedValues, InvalidHeadersForS3Origin, InconsistentQuantities, TooManyCertificates, InvalidLocationCode, InvalidGeoRestrictionParameter, InvalidProtocolSettings, InvalidTTLOrder, InvalidWebACLId, TooManyOriginCustomHeaders, TooManyQueryStringParameters, InvalidQueryStringParameters, TooManyDistributionsWithLambdaAssociations, TooManyLambdaFunctionAssociations, InvalidLambdaFunctionAssociation, InvalidOriginReadTimeout or InvalidOriginKeepaliveTimeout.

See also: AWS API Documentation

using AWSSDK.CloudFront.create_distribution_with_tags
create_distribution_with_tags([::AWSConfig], arguments::Dict)
create_distribution_with_tags([::AWSConfig]; DistributionConfigWithTags=)

using AWSCore.Services.cloudfront
cloudfront([::AWSConfig], "POST", "/2017-03-25/distribution?WithTags", arguments::Dict)
cloudfront([::AWSConfig], "POST", "/2017-03-25/distribution?WithTags", DistributionConfigWithTags=)

CreateDistributionWithTags Operation

Create a new distribution with tags.


DistributionConfigWithTags = [ ... ]Required

The distribution's configuration information.

 DistributionConfigWithTags = [
        "DistributionConfig" => <required> [
            "CallerReference" => <required> ::String,
            "Aliases" =>  [
                "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                "Items" =>  [::String, ...]
            "DefaultRootObject" =>  ::String,
            "Origins" => <required> [
                "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                "Items" =>  [[
                    "Id" => <required> ::String,
                    "DomainName" => <required> ::String,
                    "OriginPath" =>  ::String,
                    "CustomHeaders" =>  [
                        "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                        "Items" =>  [[
                            "HeaderName" => <required> ::String,
                            "HeaderValue" => <required> ::String
                        ], ...]
                    "S3OriginConfig" =>  ["OriginAccessIdentity" => <required> ::String],
                    "CustomOriginConfig" =>  [
                        "HTTPPort" => <required> ::Int,
                        "HTTPSPort" => <required> ::Int,
                        "OriginProtocolPolicy" => <required> "http-only", "match-viewer" or "https-only",
                        "OriginSslProtocols" =>  [
                            "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                            "Items" => <required> ["SSLv3", "TLSv1", "TLSv1.1" or "TLSv1.2", ...]
                        "OriginReadTimeout" =>  ::Int,
                        "OriginKeepaliveTimeout" =>  ::Int
                ], ...]
            "DefaultCacheBehavior" => <required> [
                "TargetOriginId" => <required> ::String,
                "ForwardedValues" => <required> [
                    "QueryString" => <required> ::Bool,
                    "Cookies" => <required> [
                        "Forward" => <required> "none", "whitelist" or "all",
                        "WhitelistedNames" =>  [
                            "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                            "Items" =>  [::String, ...]
                    "Headers" =>  [
                        "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                        "Items" =>  [::String, ...]
                    "QueryStringCacheKeys" =>  [
                        "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                        "Items" =>  [::String, ...]
                "TrustedSigners" => <required> [
                    "Enabled" => <required> ::Bool,
                    "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                    "Items" =>  [::String, ...]
                "ViewerProtocolPolicy" => <required> "allow-all", "https-only" or "redirect-to-https",
                "MinTTL" => <required> ::Int,
                "AllowedMethods" =>  [
                    "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                    "Items" => <required> ["GET", "HEAD", "POST", "PUT", "PATCH", "OPTIONS" or "DELETE", ...],
                    "CachedMethods" =>  [
                        "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                        "Items" => <required> ["GET", "HEAD", "POST", "PUT", "PATCH", "OPTIONS" or "DELETE", ...]
                "SmoothStreaming" =>  ::Bool,
                "DefaultTTL" =>  ::Int,
                "MaxTTL" =>  ::Int,
                "Compress" =>  ::Bool,
                "LambdaFunctionAssociations" =>  [
                    "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                    "Items" =>  [[
                        "LambdaFunctionARN" =>  ::String,
                        "EventType" =>  "viewer-request", "viewer-response", "origin-request" or "origin-response"
                    ], ...]
            "CacheBehaviors" =>  [
                "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                "Items" =>  [[
                    "PathPattern" => <required> ::String,
                    "TargetOriginId" => <required> ::String,
                    "ForwardedValues" => <required> [
                        "QueryString" => <required> ::Bool,
                        "Cookies" => <required> [
                            "Forward" => <required> "none", "whitelist" or "all",
                            "WhitelistedNames" =>  [
                                "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                                "Items" =>  [::String, ...]
                        "Headers" =>  [
                            "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                            "Items" =>  [::String, ...]
                        "QueryStringCacheKeys" =>  [
                            "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                            "Items" =>  [::String, ...]
                    "TrustedSigners" => <required> [
                        "Enabled" => <required> ::Bool,
                        "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                        "Items" =>  [::String, ...]
                    "ViewerProtocolPolicy" => <required> "allow-all", "https-only" or "redirect-to-https",
                    "MinTTL" => <required> ::Int,
                    "AllowedMethods" =>  [
                        "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                        "Items" => <required> ["GET", "HEAD", "POST", "PUT", "PATCH", "OPTIONS" or "DELETE", ...],
                        "CachedMethods" =>  [
                            "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                            "Items" => <required> ["GET", "HEAD", "POST", "PUT", "PATCH", "OPTIONS" or "DELETE", ...]
                    "SmoothStreaming" =>  ::Bool,
                    "DefaultTTL" =>  ::Int,
                    "MaxTTL" =>  ::Int,
                    "Compress" =>  ::Bool,
                    "LambdaFunctionAssociations" =>  [
                        "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                        "Items" =>  [[
                            "LambdaFunctionARN" =>  ::String,
                            "EventType" =>  "viewer-request", "viewer-response", "origin-request" or "origin-response"
                        ], ...]
                ], ...]
            "CustomErrorResponses" =>  [
                "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                "Items" =>  [[
                    "ErrorCode" => <required> ::Int,
                    "ResponsePagePath" =>  ::String,
                    "ResponseCode" =>  ::String,
                    "ErrorCachingMinTTL" =>  ::Int
                ], ...]
            "Comment" => <required> ::String,
            "Logging" =>  [
                "Enabled" => <required> ::Bool,
                "IncludeCookies" => <required> ::Bool,
                "Bucket" => <required> ::String,
                "Prefix" => <required> ::String
            "PriceClass" =>  "PriceClass_100", "PriceClass_200" or "PriceClass_All",
            "Enabled" => <required> ::Bool,
            "ViewerCertificate" =>  [
                "CloudFrontDefaultCertificate" =>  ::Bool,
                "IAMCertificateId" =>  ::String,
                "ACMCertificateArn" =>  ::String,
                "SSLSupportMethod" =>  "sni-only" or "vip",
                "MinimumProtocolVersion" =>  "SSLv3", "TLSv1", "TLSv1_2016", "TLSv1.1_2016" or "TLSv1.2_2018",
                "Certificate" =>  ::String,
                "CertificateSource" =>  "cloudfront", "iam" or "acm"
            "Restrictions" =>  ["GeoRestriction" => <required> [
                    "RestrictionType" => <required> "blacklist", "whitelist" or "none",
                    "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                    "Items" =>  [::String, ...]
            "WebACLId" =>  ::String,
            "HttpVersion" =>  "http1.1" or "http2",
            "IsIPV6Enabled" =>  ::Bool
        "Tags" => <required> ["Items" =>  [[
                "Key" => <required> ::String,
                "Value" =>  ::String
            ], ...]]




CNAMEAlreadyExists, DistributionAlreadyExists, InvalidOrigin, InvalidOriginAccessIdentity, AccessDenied, TooManyTrustedSigners, TrustedSignerDoesNotExist, InvalidViewerCertificate, InvalidMinimumProtocolVersion, MissingBody, TooManyDistributionCNAMEs, TooManyDistributions, InvalidDefaultRootObject, InvalidRelativePath, InvalidErrorCode, InvalidResponseCode, InvalidArgument, InvalidRequiredProtocol, NoSuchOrigin, TooManyOrigins, TooManyCacheBehaviors, TooManyCookieNamesInWhiteList, InvalidForwardCookies, TooManyHeadersInForwardedValues, InvalidHeadersForS3Origin, InconsistentQuantities, TooManyCertificates, InvalidLocationCode, InvalidGeoRestrictionParameter, InvalidProtocolSettings, InvalidTTLOrder, InvalidWebACLId, TooManyOriginCustomHeaders, InvalidTagging, TooManyQueryStringParameters, InvalidQueryStringParameters, TooManyDistributionsWithLambdaAssociations, TooManyLambdaFunctionAssociations, InvalidLambdaFunctionAssociation, InvalidOriginReadTimeout or InvalidOriginKeepaliveTimeout.

See also: AWS API Documentation

using AWSSDK.CloudFront.create_invalidation
create_invalidation([::AWSConfig], arguments::Dict)
create_invalidation([::AWSConfig]; DistributionId=, InvalidationBatch=)

using AWSCore.Services.cloudfront
cloudfront([::AWSConfig], "POST", "/2017-03-25/distribution/{DistributionId}/invalidation", arguments::Dict)
cloudfront([::AWSConfig], "POST", "/2017-03-25/distribution/{DistributionId}/invalidation", DistributionId=, InvalidationBatch=)

CreateInvalidation Operation

Create a new invalidation.


DistributionId = ::StringRequired

The distribution's id.

InvalidationBatch = [ ... ]Required

The batch information for the invalidation.

 InvalidationBatch = [
        "Paths" => <required> [
            "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
            "Items" =>  [::String, ...]
        "CallerReference" => <required> ::String




AccessDenied, MissingBody, InvalidArgument, NoSuchDistribution, BatchTooLarge, TooManyInvalidationsInProgress or InconsistentQuantities.

See also: AWS API Documentation

using AWSSDK.CloudFront.create_streaming_distribution
create_streaming_distribution([::AWSConfig], arguments::Dict)
create_streaming_distribution([::AWSConfig]; StreamingDistributionConfig=)

using AWSCore.Services.cloudfront
cloudfront([::AWSConfig], "POST", "/2017-03-25/streaming-distribution", arguments::Dict)
cloudfront([::AWSConfig], "POST", "/2017-03-25/streaming-distribution", StreamingDistributionConfig=)

CreateStreamingDistribution Operation

Creates a new RMTP distribution. An RTMP distribution is similar to a web distribution, but an RTMP distribution streams media files using the Adobe Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) instead of serving files using HTTP.

To create a new web distribution, submit a POST request to the CloudFront API version/distribution resource. The request body must include a document with a StreamingDistributionConfig element. The response echoes the StreamingDistributionConfig element and returns other information about the RTMP distribution.

To get the status of your request, use the GET StreamingDistribution API action. When the value of Enabled is true and the value of Status is Deployed, your distribution is ready. A distribution usually deploys in less than 15 minutes.

For more information about web distributions, see Working with RTMP Distributions in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.


Beginning with the 2012-05-05 version of the CloudFront API, we made substantial changes to the format of the XML document that you include in the request body when you create or update a web distribution or an RTMP distribution, and when you invalidate objects. With previous versions of the API, we discovered that it was too easy to accidentally delete one or more values for an element that accepts multiple values, for example, CNAMEs and trusted signers. Our changes for the 2012-05-05 release are intended to prevent these accidental deletions and to notify you when there's a mismatch between the number of values you say you're specifying in the Quantity element and the number of values specified.


StreamingDistributionConfig = [ ... ]Required

The streaming distribution's configuration information.

 StreamingDistributionConfig = [
        "CallerReference" => <required> ::String,
        "S3Origin" => <required> [
            "DomainName" => <required> ::String,
            "OriginAccessIdentity" => <required> ::String
        "Aliases" =>  [
            "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
            "Items" =>  [::String, ...]
        "Comment" => <required> ::String,
        "Logging" =>  [
            "Enabled" => <required> ::Bool,
            "Bucket" => <required> ::String,
            "Prefix" => <required> ::String
        "TrustedSigners" => <required> [
            "Enabled" => <required> ::Bool,
            "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
            "Items" =>  [::String, ...]
        "PriceClass" =>  "PriceClass_100", "PriceClass_200" or "PriceClass_All",
        "Enabled" => <required> ::Bool




CNAMEAlreadyExists, StreamingDistributionAlreadyExists, InvalidOrigin, InvalidOriginAccessIdentity, AccessDenied, TooManyTrustedSigners, TrustedSignerDoesNotExist, MissingBody, TooManyStreamingDistributionCNAMEs, TooManyStreamingDistributions, InvalidArgument or InconsistentQuantities.

See also: AWS API Documentation

using AWSSDK.CloudFront.create_streaming_distribution_with_tags
create_streaming_distribution_with_tags([::AWSConfig], arguments::Dict)
create_streaming_distribution_with_tags([::AWSConfig]; StreamingDistributionConfigWithTags=)

using AWSCore.Services.cloudfront
cloudfront([::AWSConfig], "POST", "/2017-03-25/streaming-distribution?WithTags", arguments::Dict)
cloudfront([::AWSConfig], "POST", "/2017-03-25/streaming-distribution?WithTags", StreamingDistributionConfigWithTags=)

CreateStreamingDistributionWithTags Operation

Create a new streaming distribution with tags.


StreamingDistributionConfigWithTags = [ ... ]Required

The streaming distribution's configuration information.

 StreamingDistributionConfigWithTags = [
        "StreamingDistributionConfig" => <required> [
            "CallerReference" => <required> ::String,
            "S3Origin" => <required> [
                "DomainName" => <required> ::String,
                "OriginAccessIdentity" => <required> ::String
            "Aliases" =>  [
                "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                "Items" =>  [::String, ...]
            "Comment" => <required> ::String,
            "Logging" =>  [
                "Enabled" => <required> ::Bool,
                "Bucket" => <required> ::String,
                "Prefix" => <required> ::String
            "TrustedSigners" => <required> [
                "Enabled" => <required> ::Bool,
                "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                "Items" =>  [::String, ...]
            "PriceClass" =>  "PriceClass_100", "PriceClass_200" or "PriceClass_All",
            "Enabled" => <required> ::Bool
        "Tags" => <required> ["Items" =>  [[
                "Key" => <required> ::String,
                "Value" =>  ::String
            ], ...]]




CNAMEAlreadyExists, StreamingDistributionAlreadyExists, InvalidOrigin, InvalidOriginAccessIdentity, AccessDenied, TooManyTrustedSigners, TrustedSignerDoesNotExist, MissingBody, TooManyStreamingDistributionCNAMEs, TooManyStreamingDistributions, InvalidArgument, InconsistentQuantities or InvalidTagging.

See also: AWS API Documentation

using AWSSDK.CloudFront.delete_cloud_front_origin_access_identity
delete_cloud_front_origin_access_identity([::AWSConfig], arguments::Dict)
delete_cloud_front_origin_access_identity([::AWSConfig]; Id=, <keyword arguments>)

using AWSCore.Services.cloudfront
cloudfront([::AWSConfig], "DELETE", "/2017-03-25/origin-access-identity/cloudfront/{Id}", arguments::Dict)
cloudfront([::AWSConfig], "DELETE", "/2017-03-25/origin-access-identity/cloudfront/{Id}", Id=, <keyword arguments>)

DeleteCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity Operation

Delete an origin access identity.


Id = ::StringRequired

The origin access identity's ID.

If-Match = ::String

The value of the ETag header you received from a previous GET or PUT request. For example: E2QWRUHAPOMQZL.


AccessDenied, InvalidIfMatchVersion, NoSuchCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity, PreconditionFailed or CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityInUse.

See also: AWS API Documentation

using AWSSDK.CloudFront.delete_distribution
delete_distribution([::AWSConfig], arguments::Dict)
delete_distribution([::AWSConfig]; Id=, <keyword arguments>)

using AWSCore.Services.cloudfront
cloudfront([::AWSConfig], "DELETE", "/2017-03-25/distribution/{Id}", arguments::Dict)
cloudfront([::AWSConfig], "DELETE", "/2017-03-25/distribution/{Id}", Id=, <keyword arguments>)

DeleteDistribution Operation

Delete a distribution.


Id = ::StringRequired

The distribution ID.

If-Match = ::String

The value of the ETag header that you received when you disabled the distribution. For example: E2QWRUHAPOMQZL.


AccessDenied, DistributionNotDisabled, InvalidIfMatchVersion, NoSuchDistribution or PreconditionFailed.

See also: AWS API Documentation

using AWSSDK.CloudFront.delete_service_linked_role
delete_service_linked_role([::AWSConfig], arguments::Dict)
delete_service_linked_role([::AWSConfig]; RoleName=)

using AWSCore.Services.cloudfront
cloudfront([::AWSConfig], "DELETE", "/2017-03-25/service-linked-role/{RoleName}", arguments::Dict)
cloudfront([::AWSConfig], "DELETE", "/2017-03-25/service-linked-role/{RoleName}", RoleName=)

DeleteServiceLinkedRole Operation


RoleName = ::StringRequired


InvalidArgument, AccessDenied, ResourceInUse or NoSuchResource.

See also: AWS API Documentation

using AWSSDK.CloudFront.delete_streaming_distribution
delete_streaming_distribution([::AWSConfig], arguments::Dict)
delete_streaming_distribution([::AWSConfig]; Id=, <keyword arguments>)

using AWSCore.Services.cloudfront
cloudfront([::AWSConfig], "DELETE", "/2017-03-25/streaming-distribution/{Id}", arguments::Dict)
cloudfront([::AWSConfig], "DELETE", "/2017-03-25/streaming-distribution/{Id}", Id=, <keyword arguments>)

DeleteStreamingDistribution Operation

Delete a streaming distribution. To delete an RTMP distribution using the CloudFront API, perform the following steps.

To delete an RTMP distribution using the CloudFront API:

  1. Disable the RTMP distribution.

  2. Submit a GET Streaming Distribution Config request to get the current configuration and the Etag header for the distribution.

  3. Update the XML document that was returned in the response to your GET Streaming Distribution Config request to change the value of Enabled to false.

  4. Submit a PUT Streaming Distribution Config request to update the configuration for your distribution. In the request body, include the XML document that you updated in Step 3. Then set the value of the HTTP If-Match header to the value of the ETag header that CloudFront returned when you submitted the GET Streaming Distribution Config request in Step 2.

  5. Review the response to the PUT Streaming Distribution Config request to confirm that the distribution was successfully disabled.

  6. Submit a GET Streaming Distribution Config request to confirm that your changes have propagated. When propagation is complete, the value of Status is Deployed.

  7. Submit a DELETE Streaming Distribution request. Set the value of the HTTP If-Match header to the value of the ETag header that CloudFront returned when you submitted the GET Streaming Distribution Config request in Step 2.

  8. Review the response to your DELETE Streaming Distribution request to confirm that the distribution was successfully deleted.

For information about deleting a distribution using the CloudFront console, see Deleting a Distribution in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.


Id = ::StringRequired

The distribution ID.

If-Match = ::String

The value of the ETag header that you received when you disabled the streaming distribution. For example: E2QWRUHAPOMQZL.


AccessDenied, StreamingDistributionNotDisabled, InvalidIfMatchVersion, NoSuchStreamingDistribution or PreconditionFailed.

See also: AWS API Documentation

using AWSSDK.CloudFront.get_cloud_front_origin_access_identity
get_cloud_front_origin_access_identity([::AWSConfig], arguments::Dict)
get_cloud_front_origin_access_identity([::AWSConfig]; Id=)

using AWSCore.Services.cloudfront
cloudfront([::AWSConfig], "GET", "/2017-03-25/origin-access-identity/cloudfront/{Id}", arguments::Dict)
cloudfront([::AWSConfig], "GET", "/2017-03-25/origin-access-identity/cloudfront/{Id}", Id=)

GetCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity Operation

Get the information about an origin access identity.


Id = ::StringRequired

The identity's ID.




NoSuchCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity or AccessDenied.

See also: AWS API Documentation

using AWSSDK.CloudFront.get_cloud_front_origin_access_identity_config
get_cloud_front_origin_access_identity_config([::AWSConfig], arguments::Dict)
get_cloud_front_origin_access_identity_config([::AWSConfig]; Id=)

using AWSCore.Services.cloudfront
cloudfront([::AWSConfig], "GET", "/2017-03-25/origin-access-identity/cloudfront/{Id}/config", arguments::Dict)
cloudfront([::AWSConfig], "GET", "/2017-03-25/origin-access-identity/cloudfront/{Id}/config", Id=)

GetCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig Operation

Get the configuration information about an origin access identity.


Id = ::StringRequired

The identity's ID.




NoSuchCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity or AccessDenied.

See also: AWS API Documentation

using AWSSDK.CloudFront.get_distribution
get_distribution([::AWSConfig], arguments::Dict)
get_distribution([::AWSConfig]; Id=)

using AWSCore.Services.cloudfront
cloudfront([::AWSConfig], "GET", "/2017-03-25/distribution/{Id}", arguments::Dict)
cloudfront([::AWSConfig], "GET", "/2017-03-25/distribution/{Id}", Id=)

GetDistribution Operation

Get the information about a distribution.


Id = ::StringRequired

The distribution's ID.




NoSuchDistribution or AccessDenied.

See also: AWS API Documentation

using AWSSDK.CloudFront.get_distribution_config
get_distribution_config([::AWSConfig], arguments::Dict)
get_distribution_config([::AWSConfig]; Id=)

using AWSCore.Services.cloudfront
cloudfront([::AWSConfig], "GET", "/2017-03-25/distribution/{Id}/config", arguments::Dict)
cloudfront([::AWSConfig], "GET", "/2017-03-25/distribution/{Id}/config", Id=)

GetDistributionConfig Operation

Get the configuration information about a distribution.


Id = ::StringRequired

The distribution's ID.




NoSuchDistribution or AccessDenied.

See also: AWS API Documentation

using AWSSDK.CloudFront.get_invalidation
get_invalidation([::AWSConfig], arguments::Dict)
get_invalidation([::AWSConfig]; DistributionId=, Id=)

using AWSCore.Services.cloudfront
cloudfront([::AWSConfig], "GET", "/2017-03-25/distribution/{DistributionId}/invalidation/{Id}", arguments::Dict)
cloudfront([::AWSConfig], "GET", "/2017-03-25/distribution/{DistributionId}/invalidation/{Id}", DistributionId=, Id=)

GetInvalidation Operation

Get the information about an invalidation.


DistributionId = ::StringRequired

The distribution's ID.

Id = ::StringRequired

The identifier for the invalidation request, for example, IDFDVBD632BHDS5.




NoSuchInvalidation, NoSuchDistribution or AccessDenied.

See also: AWS API Documentation

using AWSSDK.CloudFront.get_streaming_distribution
get_streaming_distribution([::AWSConfig], arguments::Dict)
get_streaming_distribution([::AWSConfig]; Id=)

using AWSCore.Services.cloudfront
cloudfront([::AWSConfig], "GET", "/2017-03-25/streaming-distribution/{Id}", arguments::Dict)
cloudfront([::AWSConfig], "GET", "/2017-03-25/streaming-distribution/{Id}", Id=)

GetStreamingDistribution Operation

Gets information about a specified RTMP distribution, including the distribution configuration.


Id = ::StringRequired

The streaming distribution's ID.




NoSuchStreamingDistribution or AccessDenied.

See also: AWS API Documentation

using AWSSDK.CloudFront.get_streaming_distribution_config
get_streaming_distribution_config([::AWSConfig], arguments::Dict)
get_streaming_distribution_config([::AWSConfig]; Id=)

using AWSCore.Services.cloudfront
cloudfront([::AWSConfig], "GET", "/2017-03-25/streaming-distribution/{Id}/config", arguments::Dict)
cloudfront([::AWSConfig], "GET", "/2017-03-25/streaming-distribution/{Id}/config", Id=)

GetStreamingDistributionConfig Operation

Get the configuration information about a streaming distribution.


Id = ::StringRequired

The streaming distribution's ID.




NoSuchStreamingDistribution or AccessDenied.

See also: AWS API Documentation

using AWSSDK.CloudFront.list_cloud_front_origin_access_identities
list_cloud_front_origin_access_identities([::AWSConfig], arguments::Dict)
list_cloud_front_origin_access_identities([::AWSConfig]; <keyword arguments>)

using AWSCore.Services.cloudfront
cloudfront([::AWSConfig], "GET", "/2017-03-25/origin-access-identity/cloudfront", arguments::Dict)
cloudfront([::AWSConfig], "GET", "/2017-03-25/origin-access-identity/cloudfront", <keyword arguments>)

ListCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentities Operation

Lists origin access identities.


Marker = ::String

Use this when paginating results to indicate where to begin in your list of origin access identities. The results include identities in the list that occur after the marker. To get the next page of results, set the Marker to the value of the NextMarker from the current page's response (which is also the ID of the last identity on that page).

MaxItems = ::String

The maximum number of origin access identities you want in the response body.





See also: AWS API Documentation

using AWSSDK.CloudFront.list_distributions
list_distributions([::AWSConfig], arguments::Dict)
list_distributions([::AWSConfig]; <keyword arguments>)

using AWSCore.Services.cloudfront
cloudfront([::AWSConfig], "GET", "/2017-03-25/distribution", arguments::Dict)
cloudfront([::AWSConfig], "GET", "/2017-03-25/distribution", <keyword arguments>)

ListDistributions Operation

List distributions.


Marker = ::String

Use this when paginating results to indicate where to begin in your list of distributions. The results include distributions in the list that occur after the marker. To get the next page of results, set the Marker to the value of the NextMarker from the current page's response (which is also the ID of the last distribution on that page).

MaxItems = ::String

The maximum number of distributions you want in the response body.





See also: AWS API Documentation

using AWSSDK.CloudFront.list_distributions_by_web_aclid
list_distributions_by_web_aclid([::AWSConfig], arguments::Dict)
list_distributions_by_web_aclid([::AWSConfig]; WebACLId=, <keyword arguments>)

using AWSCore.Services.cloudfront
cloudfront([::AWSConfig], "GET", "/2017-03-25/distributionsByWebACLId/{WebACLId}", arguments::Dict)
cloudfront([::AWSConfig], "GET", "/2017-03-25/distributionsByWebACLId/{WebACLId}", WebACLId=, <keyword arguments>)

ListDistributionsByWebACLId Operation

List the distributions that are associated with a specified AWS WAF web ACL.


Marker = ::String

Use Marker and MaxItems to control pagination of results. If you have more than MaxItems distributions that satisfy the request, the response includes a NextMarker element. To get the next page of results, submit another request. For the value of Marker, specify the value of NextMarker from the last response. (For the first request, omit Marker.)

MaxItems = ::String

The maximum number of distributions that you want CloudFront to return in the response body. The maximum and default values are both 100.

WebACLId = ::StringRequired

The ID of the AWS WAF web ACL that you want to list the associated distributions. If you specify "null" for the ID, the request returns a list of the distributions that aren't associated with a web ACL.




InvalidArgument or InvalidWebACLId.

See also: AWS API Documentation

using AWSSDK.CloudFront.list_invalidations
list_invalidations([::AWSConfig], arguments::Dict)
list_invalidations([::AWSConfig]; DistributionId=, <keyword arguments>)

using AWSCore.Services.cloudfront
cloudfront([::AWSConfig], "GET", "/2017-03-25/distribution/{DistributionId}/invalidation", arguments::Dict)
cloudfront([::AWSConfig], "GET", "/2017-03-25/distribution/{DistributionId}/invalidation", DistributionId=, <keyword arguments>)

ListInvalidations Operation

Lists invalidation batches.


DistributionId = ::StringRequired

The distribution's ID.

Marker = ::String

Use this parameter when paginating results to indicate where to begin in your list of invalidation batches. Because the results are returned in decreasing order from most recent to oldest, the most recent results are on the first page, the second page will contain earlier results, and so on. To get the next page of results, set Marker to the value of the NextMarker from the current page's response. This value is the same as the ID of the last invalidation batch on that page.

MaxItems = ::String

The maximum number of invalidation batches that you want in the response body.




InvalidArgument, NoSuchDistribution or AccessDenied.

See also: AWS API Documentation

using AWSSDK.CloudFront.list_streaming_distributions
list_streaming_distributions([::AWSConfig], arguments::Dict)
list_streaming_distributions([::AWSConfig]; <keyword arguments>)

using AWSCore.Services.cloudfront
cloudfront([::AWSConfig], "GET", "/2017-03-25/streaming-distribution", arguments::Dict)
cloudfront([::AWSConfig], "GET", "/2017-03-25/streaming-distribution", <keyword arguments>)

ListStreamingDistributions Operation

List streaming distributions.


Marker = ::String

The value that you provided for the Marker request parameter.

MaxItems = ::String

The value that you provided for the MaxItems request parameter.





See also: AWS API Documentation

using AWSSDK.CloudFront.list_tags_for_resource
list_tags_for_resource([::AWSConfig], arguments::Dict)
list_tags_for_resource([::AWSConfig]; Resource=)

using AWSCore.Services.cloudfront
cloudfront([::AWSConfig], "GET", "/2017-03-25/tagging", arguments::Dict)
cloudfront([::AWSConfig], "GET", "/2017-03-25/tagging", Resource=)

ListTagsForResource Operation

List tags for a CloudFront resource.


Resource = ::StringRequired

An ARN of a CloudFront resource.




AccessDenied, InvalidArgument, InvalidTagging or NoSuchResource.

See also: AWS API Documentation

using AWSSDK.CloudFront.tag_resource
tag_resource([::AWSConfig], arguments::Dict)
tag_resource([::AWSConfig]; Resource=, Tags=)

using AWSCore.Services.cloudfront
cloudfront([::AWSConfig], "POST", "/2017-03-25/tagging?Operation=Tag", arguments::Dict)
cloudfront([::AWSConfig], "POST", "/2017-03-25/tagging?Operation=Tag", Resource=, Tags=)

TagResource Operation

Add tags to a CloudFront resource.


Resource = ::StringRequired

An ARN of a CloudFront resource.

Tags = ["Items" => [[ ... ], ...]]Required

A complex type that contains zero or more Tag elements.

 Tags = ["Items" =>  [[
            "Key" => <required> ::String,
            "Value" =>  ::String
        ], ...]]


AccessDenied, InvalidArgument, InvalidTagging or NoSuchResource.

See also: AWS API Documentation

using AWSSDK.CloudFront.untag_resource
untag_resource([::AWSConfig], arguments::Dict)
untag_resource([::AWSConfig]; Resource=, TagKeys=)

using AWSCore.Services.cloudfront
cloudfront([::AWSConfig], "POST", "/2017-03-25/tagging?Operation=Untag", arguments::Dict)
cloudfront([::AWSConfig], "POST", "/2017-03-25/tagging?Operation=Untag", Resource=, TagKeys=)

UntagResource Operation

Remove tags from a CloudFront resource.


Resource = ::StringRequired

An ARN of a CloudFront resource.

TagKeys = ["Items" => [::String, ...]]Required

A complex type that contains zero or more Tag key elements.


AccessDenied, InvalidArgument, InvalidTagging or NoSuchResource.

See also: AWS API Documentation

using AWSSDK.CloudFront.update_cloud_front_origin_access_identity
update_cloud_front_origin_access_identity([::AWSConfig], arguments::Dict)
update_cloud_front_origin_access_identity([::AWSConfig]; CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig=, Id=, <keyword arguments>)

using AWSCore.Services.cloudfront
cloudfront([::AWSConfig], "PUT", "/2017-03-25/origin-access-identity/cloudfront/{Id}/config", arguments::Dict)
cloudfront([::AWSConfig], "PUT", "/2017-03-25/origin-access-identity/cloudfront/{Id}/config", CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig=, Id=, <keyword arguments>)

UpdateCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity Operation

Update an origin access identity.


CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig = [ ... ]Required

The identity's configuration information.

 CloudFrontOriginAccessIdentityConfig = [
        "CallerReference" => <required> ::String,
        "Comment" => <required> ::String

Id = ::StringRequired

The identity's id.

If-Match = ::String

The value of the ETag header that you received when retrieving the identity's configuration. For example: E2QWRUHAPOMQZL.




AccessDenied, IllegalUpdate, InvalidIfMatchVersion, MissingBody, NoSuchCloudFrontOriginAccessIdentity, PreconditionFailed, InvalidArgument or InconsistentQuantities.

See also: AWS API Documentation

using AWSSDK.CloudFront.update_distribution
update_distribution([::AWSConfig], arguments::Dict)
update_distribution([::AWSConfig]; DistributionConfig=, Id=, <keyword arguments>)

using AWSCore.Services.cloudfront
cloudfront([::AWSConfig], "PUT", "/2017-03-25/distribution/{Id}/config", arguments::Dict)
cloudfront([::AWSConfig], "PUT", "/2017-03-25/distribution/{Id}/config", DistributionConfig=, Id=, <keyword arguments>)

UpdateDistribution Operation

Updates the configuration for a web distribution. Perform the following steps.

For information about updating a distribution using the CloudFront console, see Creating or Updating a Web Distribution Using the CloudFront Console in the Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide.

To update a web distribution using the CloudFront API

  1. Submit a GetDistributionConfig request to get the current configuration and an Etag header for the distribution.


    If you update the distribution again, you need to get a new Etag header.

  2. Update the XML document that was returned in the response to your GetDistributionConfig request to include the desired changes. You can't change the value of CallerReference. If you try to change this value, CloudFront returns an IllegalUpdate error.


    The new configuration replaces the existing configuration; the values that you specify in an UpdateDistribution request are not merged into the existing configuration. When you add, delete, or replace values in an element that allows multiple values (for example, CNAME), you must specify all of the values that you want to appear in the updated distribution. In addition, you must update the corresponding Quantity element.

  3. Submit an UpdateDistribution request to update the configuration for your distribution:

    • In the request body, include the XML document that you updated in Step 2. The request body must include an XML document with a DistributionConfig element.

    • Set the value of the HTTP If-Match header to the value of the ETag header that CloudFront returned when you submitted the GetDistributionConfig request in Step 1.

  4. Review the response to the UpdateDistribution request to confirm that the configuration was successfully updated.

  5. Optional: Submit a GetDistribution request to confirm that your changes have propagated. When propagation is complete, the value of Status is Deployed.


    Beginning with the 2012-05-05 version of the CloudFront API, we made substantial changes to the format of the XML document that you include in the request body when you create or update a distribution. With previous versions of the API, we discovered that it was too easy to accidentally delete one or more values for an element that accepts multiple values, for example, CNAMEs and trusted signers. Our changes for the 2012-05-05 release are intended to prevent these accidental deletions and to notify you when there's a mismatch between the number of values you say you're specifying in the Quantity element and the number of values you're actually specifying.


DistributionConfig = [ ... ]Required

The distribution's configuration information.

 DistributionConfig = [
        "CallerReference" => <required> ::String,
        "Aliases" =>  [
            "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
            "Items" =>  [::String, ...]
        "DefaultRootObject" =>  ::String,
        "Origins" => <required> [
            "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
            "Items" =>  [[
                "Id" => <required> ::String,
                "DomainName" => <required> ::String,
                "OriginPath" =>  ::String,
                "CustomHeaders" =>  [
                    "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                    "Items" =>  [[
                        "HeaderName" => <required> ::String,
                        "HeaderValue" => <required> ::String
                    ], ...]
                "S3OriginConfig" =>  ["OriginAccessIdentity" => <required> ::String],
                "CustomOriginConfig" =>  [
                    "HTTPPort" => <required> ::Int,
                    "HTTPSPort" => <required> ::Int,
                    "OriginProtocolPolicy" => <required> "http-only", "match-viewer" or "https-only",
                    "OriginSslProtocols" =>  [
                        "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                        "Items" => <required> ["SSLv3", "TLSv1", "TLSv1.1" or "TLSv1.2", ...]
                    "OriginReadTimeout" =>  ::Int,
                    "OriginKeepaliveTimeout" =>  ::Int
            ], ...]
        "DefaultCacheBehavior" => <required> [
            "TargetOriginId" => <required> ::String,
            "ForwardedValues" => <required> [
                "QueryString" => <required> ::Bool,
                "Cookies" => <required> [
                    "Forward" => <required> "none", "whitelist" or "all",
                    "WhitelistedNames" =>  [
                        "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                        "Items" =>  [::String, ...]
                "Headers" =>  [
                    "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                    "Items" =>  [::String, ...]
                "QueryStringCacheKeys" =>  [
                    "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                    "Items" =>  [::String, ...]
            "TrustedSigners" => <required> [
                "Enabled" => <required> ::Bool,
                "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                "Items" =>  [::String, ...]
            "ViewerProtocolPolicy" => <required> "allow-all", "https-only" or "redirect-to-https",
            "MinTTL" => <required> ::Int,
            "AllowedMethods" =>  [
                "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                "Items" => <required> ["GET", "HEAD", "POST", "PUT", "PATCH", "OPTIONS" or "DELETE", ...],
                "CachedMethods" =>  [
                    "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                    "Items" => <required> ["GET", "HEAD", "POST", "PUT", "PATCH", "OPTIONS" or "DELETE", ...]
            "SmoothStreaming" =>  ::Bool,
            "DefaultTTL" =>  ::Int,
            "MaxTTL" =>  ::Int,
            "Compress" =>  ::Bool,
            "LambdaFunctionAssociations" =>  [
                "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                "Items" =>  [[
                    "LambdaFunctionARN" =>  ::String,
                    "EventType" =>  "viewer-request", "viewer-response", "origin-request" or "origin-response"
                ], ...]
        "CacheBehaviors" =>  [
            "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
            "Items" =>  [[
                "PathPattern" => <required> ::String,
                "TargetOriginId" => <required> ::String,
                "ForwardedValues" => <required> [
                    "QueryString" => <required> ::Bool,
                    "Cookies" => <required> [
                        "Forward" => <required> "none", "whitelist" or "all",
                        "WhitelistedNames" =>  [
                            "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                            "Items" =>  [::String, ...]
                    "Headers" =>  [
                        "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                        "Items" =>  [::String, ...]
                    "QueryStringCacheKeys" =>  [
                        "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                        "Items" =>  [::String, ...]
                "TrustedSigners" => <required> [
                    "Enabled" => <required> ::Bool,
                    "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                    "Items" =>  [::String, ...]
                "ViewerProtocolPolicy" => <required> "allow-all", "https-only" or "redirect-to-https",
                "MinTTL" => <required> ::Int,
                "AllowedMethods" =>  [
                    "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                    "Items" => <required> ["GET", "HEAD", "POST", "PUT", "PATCH", "OPTIONS" or "DELETE", ...],
                    "CachedMethods" =>  [
                        "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                        "Items" => <required> ["GET", "HEAD", "POST", "PUT", "PATCH", "OPTIONS" or "DELETE", ...]
                "SmoothStreaming" =>  ::Bool,
                "DefaultTTL" =>  ::Int,
                "MaxTTL" =>  ::Int,
                "Compress" =>  ::Bool,
                "LambdaFunctionAssociations" =>  [
                    "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                    "Items" =>  [[
                        "LambdaFunctionARN" =>  ::String,
                        "EventType" =>  "viewer-request", "viewer-response", "origin-request" or "origin-response"
                    ], ...]
            ], ...]
        "CustomErrorResponses" =>  [
            "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
            "Items" =>  [[
                "ErrorCode" => <required> ::Int,
                "ResponsePagePath" =>  ::String,
                "ResponseCode" =>  ::String,
                "ErrorCachingMinTTL" =>  ::Int
            ], ...]
        "Comment" => <required> ::String,
        "Logging" =>  [
            "Enabled" => <required> ::Bool,
            "IncludeCookies" => <required> ::Bool,
            "Bucket" => <required> ::String,
            "Prefix" => <required> ::String
        "PriceClass" =>  "PriceClass_100", "PriceClass_200" or "PriceClass_All",
        "Enabled" => <required> ::Bool,
        "ViewerCertificate" =>  [
            "CloudFrontDefaultCertificate" =>  ::Bool,
            "IAMCertificateId" =>  ::String,
            "ACMCertificateArn" =>  ::String,
            "SSLSupportMethod" =>  "sni-only" or "vip",
            "MinimumProtocolVersion" =>  "SSLv3", "TLSv1", "TLSv1_2016", "TLSv1.1_2016" or "TLSv1.2_2018",
            "Certificate" =>  ::String,
            "CertificateSource" =>  "cloudfront", "iam" or "acm"
        "Restrictions" =>  ["GeoRestriction" => <required> [
                "RestrictionType" => <required> "blacklist", "whitelist" or "none",
                "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
                "Items" =>  [::String, ...]
        "WebACLId" =>  ::String,
        "HttpVersion" =>  "http1.1" or "http2",
        "IsIPV6Enabled" =>  ::Bool

Id = ::StringRequired

The distribution's id.

If-Match = ::String

The value of the ETag header that you received when retrieving the distribution's configuration. For example: E2QWRUHAPOMQZL.




AccessDenied, CNAMEAlreadyExists, IllegalUpdate, InvalidIfMatchVersion, MissingBody, NoSuchDistribution, PreconditionFailed, TooManyDistributionCNAMEs, InvalidDefaultRootObject, InvalidRelativePath, InvalidErrorCode, InvalidResponseCode, InvalidArgument, InvalidOriginAccessIdentity, TooManyTrustedSigners, TrustedSignerDoesNotExist, InvalidViewerCertificate, InvalidMinimumProtocolVersion, InvalidRequiredProtocol, NoSuchOrigin, TooManyOrigins, TooManyCacheBehaviors, TooManyCookieNamesInWhiteList, InvalidForwardCookies, TooManyHeadersInForwardedValues, InvalidHeadersForS3Origin, InconsistentQuantities, TooManyCertificates, InvalidLocationCode, InvalidGeoRestrictionParameter, InvalidTTLOrder, InvalidWebACLId, TooManyOriginCustomHeaders, TooManyQueryStringParameters, InvalidQueryStringParameters, TooManyDistributionsWithLambdaAssociations, TooManyLambdaFunctionAssociations, InvalidLambdaFunctionAssociation, InvalidOriginReadTimeout or InvalidOriginKeepaliveTimeout.

See also: AWS API Documentation

using AWSSDK.CloudFront.update_streaming_distribution
update_streaming_distribution([::AWSConfig], arguments::Dict)
update_streaming_distribution([::AWSConfig]; StreamingDistributionConfig=, Id=, <keyword arguments>)

using AWSCore.Services.cloudfront
cloudfront([::AWSConfig], "PUT", "/2017-03-25/streaming-distribution/{Id}/config", arguments::Dict)
cloudfront([::AWSConfig], "PUT", "/2017-03-25/streaming-distribution/{Id}/config", StreamingDistributionConfig=, Id=, <keyword arguments>)

UpdateStreamingDistribution Operation

Update a streaming distribution.


StreamingDistributionConfig = [ ... ]Required

The streaming distribution's configuration information.

 StreamingDistributionConfig = [
        "CallerReference" => <required> ::String,
        "S3Origin" => <required> [
            "DomainName" => <required> ::String,
            "OriginAccessIdentity" => <required> ::String
        "Aliases" =>  [
            "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
            "Items" =>  [::String, ...]
        "Comment" => <required> ::String,
        "Logging" =>  [
            "Enabled" => <required> ::Bool,
            "Bucket" => <required> ::String,
            "Prefix" => <required> ::String
        "TrustedSigners" => <required> [
            "Enabled" => <required> ::Bool,
            "Quantity" => <required> ::Int,
            "Items" =>  [::String, ...]
        "PriceClass" =>  "PriceClass_100", "PriceClass_200" or "PriceClass_All",
        "Enabled" => <required> ::Bool

Id = ::StringRequired

The streaming distribution's id.

If-Match = ::String

The value of the ETag header that you received when retrieving the streaming distribution's configuration. For example: E2QWRUHAPOMQZL.




AccessDenied, CNAMEAlreadyExists, IllegalUpdate, InvalidIfMatchVersion, MissingBody, NoSuchStreamingDistribution, PreconditionFailed, TooManyStreamingDistributionCNAMEs, InvalidArgument, InvalidOriginAccessIdentity, TooManyTrustedSigners, TrustedSignerDoesNotExist or InconsistentQuantities.

See also: AWS API Documentation